
埃及COI COC检测认证标准检索目录579/580

埃及COI认证 收藏此文

ES 4566 - 1 / 2004 

Standard test methods for dimension stone using in building –part 1: absorption  and bulk specific gravity 

建筑用切成特定尺寸的石料测试的标准方法 第 1 部分:吸水率及毛体积比重


ES 4566 - 2 / 2004 

Standard test methods for dimension stone using in building –part: 2 modulus of  rupture of dimension stone 

建筑石材用规格料的标准试验方法第 2 部分:规格料的破裂模数


ES 4567 / 2004 

Recovered paper and board (waste paper) 



ES 4568 - 1 / 2004 

Testing methods aggregates –part1: methods for sampling 

岩石粒化试验方法第 1 部分:取样


ES 4569 - 1 / 2004 

Test methods of adhesives for tiles part 1: Determination of open time. 

墙地砖胶粘剂的试验方法 第 1 部分:敞露时间的测定

BS EN 1346/1999 Adhesives for tiles - Determination of open time,墙地砖用胶粘剂 - 敞露时间的测定

ES 4569 - 2 / 2004 

Test methods of adhesives for tiles part 2: determination of shear adhesion strength  of reachon resin adhesives 

瓷砖用粘合剂测试方法 第 2 部分:切变强度的测定 


ES 4569 - 3 / 2004 

Test methods of adhesives for tiles part 3: determination of slip 

墙地砖用胶粘剂的试验方法 第 3 部分:滑流测定 


ES 4569 - 4 / 2004 

Test methods of adhesives for tiles –part4: determination of tensile adhesion  strength for cementations adhesives 

墙地砖用胶粘剂的试验方法 第 4 部分:水泥质黏合剂粘接抗拉强度的测定


ES 4569 - 5 / 2004 

Test methods of adhesives for tiles part 5: determination of transverse deformation  for cementations adhesive and grouts 

瓷砖及板材测试方法 第 5 部分:碳化铁粘合剂及水泥浆横向变形性的测定 


ES 4569 - 6 / 2004 

Test methods of adhesives for tiles –part 6: determination of shear adhesion  strength of dispersion adhesives 

墙地砖用胶粘剂的试验方法 第 6 部分:分散胶粘剂剪切强度的测定 



ES 4572 / 2004 

Mosaic parquet panels-general characteristics 



ES 4573 / 2004 

Modified bituminous sheet materials part5: Determination of tensile stength and  elongation 

改良的沥青类板材原料 第 5 部分:张力及延伸度的测定 

ASTM D 4294-2001 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Energy  Dispersive X- Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy,x 射线荧光光谱法测定石油和石油制品 中的硫

ES 4574 / 2004 

Packaging – requirement specific to manufacturing and composition-prevention by  source reduction 



ES 4579 / 2004 

Methods of determination of nitrogen content in fertilizers 


ISO 7408 /1983 Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content in the presence of other  substances which release ammonia when treated with sodium hydroxide – Titrimeric  method,氨氮含量的测定-当一些物质与氢氧化钠反应时释放出氨,-滴定法

ES 462/1993 作废 

Sisal ropes 



ES 4625 / 2004 

Rubber hoses and hose assemblies wire - Reinforced hydraulic type 


ISO 1402/1984 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Hydrostatic testing, 橡胶塑料软管和软管组件-液压试验;ISO 6803/1984 Rubber or plastics hoses and hose  assemblies,橡胶或塑料软管和软管组件;ISO 1436/1991 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies  - wire - reinforced hydraulic type specification,钢丝液压增强的橡胶软管和软管组 件 规格

ES 4626 / 2004 

Stamp paper 



ES 4629 - 1 / 2004 

Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) pipes-part 1: dimensions (MM) 

氯化聚氯乙稀(PVC-C)管道-第 1 部分: 尺寸(MM) 


ES 4630 / 2004 

Packaging –requirements for the use of Egyptian standards in the field of packaging  and packaging waste 



ES 4631 / 2005 

Occupational health and safety management for transporting explosives materials on roads 






